
Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien and research col­lab­o­ra­tors at Cité-ID co-authored a report, launched by the may­or of Lon­don, on strate­gic coor­di­na­tion for the Euro­pean Counter-Ter­ror­ism Pre­pared­ness Network

Nov 25, 2019

Last week, the Counter-Ter­ror­ism Pre­pared­ness Net­work (CTPN) pub­lished four strate­gic reports aim­ing to share the knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence acquired by major Euro­pean cities around pro­tec­tion and pre­pared­ness against ter­ror­ism. The report was launched by the may­or of Lon­don, Sadiq Khan, in the com­pa­ny of net­work partners.

Pro­fes­sor Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien and two Cité-ID researchers, Joris Arnaud and Julie-Maude Nor­mandin, con­tributed to the report on strate­gic coor­di­na­tion in the event of a ter­ror­ist attack. The report presents sci­en­tif­ic knowl­edge along with the strate­gic coor­di­na­tion ini­tia­tives of six Euro­pean cities, and offers a num­ber of rec­om­men­da­tions. The report was writ­ten in col­lab­o­ra­tion with four prac­ti­tion­ers spe­cial­ized in resilience and cri­sis man­age­ment: Stockholm’s chief resilience coor­di­na­tor, the chief of pol­i­cy in Stock­holm, as well as a man­ag­er and an employ­ee from the Lon­don Resilience Group.

The Counter-Ter­ror­ism Pre­pared­ness Net­work was cre­at­ed by the City of Lon­don in 2018. It brings togeth­er strate­gic lead­ers, prac­ti­tion­ers and aca­d­e­mics to influ­ence cities’ pub­lic poli­cies and prac­tices around resilience and pro­tec­tion against ter­ror­ism. The net­work includes the cities of Barcelona, Lon­don, Man­ches­ter, Paris, Rot­ter­dam and Stock­holm, as well as sev­en aca­d­e­m­ic part­ners, includ­ing the ENAP’s Cité-ID Liv­ingLab. Addi­tion­al reports address de-rad­i­cal­i­sa­tion, com­mu­ni­ty pre­pared­ness and human­i­tar­i­an assistance.