Approach to Develop a Collaborative Governance for Risk Assessment Governance of Critical Infrastructures
This action research project initiated by Ouranos, aims to build a global risk assessment approach for critical infrastructures in two Regional county municipalities in the context of climate change. Cité-ID supports the realization of this project through a collaborative governance process. Funded by the Ministry of Public Security and the Green Fund, this initiative is carried out in partnership with Polytechnique Montréal, experts in risk management.
This action-research project initiated by Ouranos aims to develop a strategy for the global risk assessment of essential systems in two Québec municipalities in the context of climate change. Cité-ID is supporting a collaborative governance process within this project. Funded by the Ministry of Public Security and the Fonds Vert, the effort is being undertaken in partnership with experts in risk management from Polytechnique Montréal. An essential system is a system that assures the production or provision of services or resources needed for community life and functioning. Municipalities are extremely dependent on services and resources provided by essential systems. Climate change increases the frequency and impact of natural hazards, leaving essential systems more prone to disturbances. Some essential system equipment was conceived based on historic climate data that are now questioned or revised. The ability of essential systems to function in these new climatic conditions is compromised. There is thus a crucial need to assess the risks associated with these systems and the risk management tools available, while also considering the variable jurisdiction over essential systems and assuring shared risk management among the considerable number of organisations that must coordinate their efforts to manage an event that could produce cascading failures.
By providing a better understanding of the vulnerabilities in essential systems in less populated areas, the project will help to reduce these vulnerabilities. It will equip the Ministry of Public Security, along with its regional bureaus and Québec municipalities, to initiate similar efforts. It will also advance scientific knowledge around collaborative governance and the interdependence of essential systems.