Risk management and fire prevention at municipal level
In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Security, Cité-ID Living Lab will develop a roadmap for the adoption of a risk management approach and implementation of preventive measures at municipal level (local and regional).
This action-research project involves developing a roadmap to facilitate adoption of a risk management approach and implementation of preventive measures at local and regional level. The three-year project (January 2019 to March 2022) rests on a collaborative effort informed by available evidence on fire risk.
The first step is production of a meta-synthesis of scientific writings on local level risk management approaches around the world in order to identify facilitating and impeding factors. Cité-ID will then undertake an analysis of Québec’s civil security system, governance mechanisms, supervision and available evidence. The aim is to document successes, obstacles and opportunities related to adopting a risk management approach and implementing preventive measures. Based on knowledge gained through these two steps, the team will organize working groups with municipal actors to co-construct or improve their practices, tools and governance mechanisms for risk management and fire prevention.
At the end of the project, the principal actors will be able to better integrate risk management and use evidence in their everyday practice, based on analysis of the Québec model and lessons from other countries.