
Risk Gov­er­nance and Cli­mate Change


The costs and impacts of crises are sig­nif­i­cant and like­ly to increase in the com­ing years, par­tic­u­lar­ly as a result of cli­mate change. Cité-ID is inter­est­ed in improv­ing risk gov­er­nance relat­ed to cli­mate change and urban resilience to deter­mine how to both lim­it and adapt to the effects of disasters.

This research axis aims to iden­ti­fy the enabling and hin­der­ing fac­tors that influ­ence risk gov­er­nance in order to improve exist­ing ini­tia­tives. In addi­tion, it seeks to devel­op new knowl­edge about mech­a­nisms and approach­es for trans­form­ing gov­er­nance to bet­ter man­age risks in an inte­grat­ed man­ner between organizations.

Research top­ics include the gov­er­nance of dis­as­ter risks, such as floods or the COVID-19 pandemic.

