Marie-Christine Therrien
Director Cité-ID LivingLab
514 849-3989 poste 3983
Marie-Christine Therrien is a Management Professor at the École nationale d’administration publique, and Director of Cité-ID LivingLab Urban Resilience Governance. Her research explores issues of network coordination, organisational failure, knowledge transfer, resilience in organisations, and crisis management. Over the year, she has mentored and supervised over 20 graduate students. Outside of her academic research, Prof. Therrien has worked in partnership with several public and private organisations, such as the Montréal Center of Resilience, Science Application International Corporation, the Quebec government, and the Canadian Red Cross. Within these experiences, she has successfully assisted the City of Montréal in joining the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 resilient cities program. Throughout her career, she carried out several mandates, evaluations and analyses. She has indeed worked on the Spring 2017 floods in Quebec, as analyst for the scientific commission on the 1998’s ice storm crisis, as well as with the Ministry of Health, to evaluate their intervention following the influenza pandemic A(H1N1). She has published articles in numerous journals, such as the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, etc. She is the primary author of more than 20 papers and book chapters, as well as the editor-in-chef for International Journal of Emergency Management. Marie-Christine Therrien co-leads deliberations of the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technology (OBVIA), and co-leads the Risk Management and Communication, Decision Support Tools, Adaptation and Resilience axes of Québec’s inter sectorial flood network (Réseau inondation InterSectoriel du Québec, RIISQ). She is a member of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Research into Operationalizing Sustainable Development (Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en opérationnalisation du développement durable, CIRODD) and a collaborator on the CREATE LEADS project. She is also the co-director of Collaboratoire Uni-Cité.