
Flood Risk Gov­er­nance in a Chang­ing Climate


The costs of flood dam­age in Cana­da are high and are like­ly to increase with cli­mate change. Cité-ID Liv­ingLab is work­ing with researchers on a com­par­a­tive study of local and region­al gov­er­nance of flood risk man­age­ment in Canada. 

In par­tic­u­lar, the Cité-ID seeks to bet­ter under­stand the effec­tive­ness of gov­er­nance mech­a­nisms relat­ed to flood­ing and urban resilience in the greater Mon­tréal area. The research project aims to assess cur­rent modes of gov­er­nance and pro­vide pub­lic deci­sion-mak­ers with evi­dence-based rec­om­men­da­tions to improve com­mu­ni­ty resilience and reduce vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to flood risks.

For more infor­ma­tion, click here to vis­it the ded­i­cat­ed research project website.

This project received fund­ing from the Social Sci­ences and Human­i­ties Research Coun­cil (SSHRC) of Cana­da.


Jason Thistleth­waite, Uni­ver­si­ty of Waterloo
Emma Raven, JBA Risk Management
Sal­ly Priest, Mid­dle­sex University
Greg Oula­hen, Ryer­son University