
The Cité-ID Liv­ingLab in the MSP’s Action plan on civ­il secu­ri­ty relat­ed to flooding

Apr 14, 2018

The impor­tance of the Cité ID Liv­ing Lab, led by Pro­fes­sor Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien at ENAP, was high­light­ed dur­ing the March 1, 2018 announce­ment of the Ministry’s action plan on flooding.

The government’s plan is based on an eval­u­a­tion con­duct­ed fol­low­ing the his­toric flood­ing episodes of spring 2017 in the Province of Que­bec. It incor­po­rates results of con­sul­ta­tions with many actors involved in the cri­sis and response. Prac­tice improve­ment is one of the three major com­po­nents of the plan. 

Mea­sure 23 of the plan is the cre­ation of an incu­ba­tor to pro­mote the emer­gence of new approach­es”. This incu­ba­tor is the Cité-ID Liv­ingLab Urban Resilience Gov­er­nance, with its unprece­dent­ed approach to bring­ing togeth­er city man­agers, pri­vate organ­i­sa­tions, cit­i­zens and aca­d­e­m­ic researchers in col­lab­o­ra­tive endeav­ours. It was select­ed in the plan to pro­mote the devel­op­ment of inno­v­a­tive urban practices. 

For the Direc­tor Gen­er­al of ENAP, Guy Lafor­est, Cité-ID fits per­fect­ly with the institution’s mis­sion to con­tribute to the devel­op­ment of an engaged pub­lic ser­vice and a respon­si­ble citizenry. 

With this announce­ment, the Min­istère de la Sécu­rité publique there­fore becomes a part­ner in the Cité-ID Liv­ing Lab, along­side the Chief Sci­ence Advi­sor of Que­bec and the ENAP. The Minister’s objec­tive, he says, is to share dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ences in terms of risk man­age­ment and cri­sis response, to stim­u­late net­work­ing among the main actors and to enhance the flow of infor­ma­tion on flood­ing issues”.

See the Plan d’action en matière de sécu­rité civile face aux inon­da­tions du min­istère de la Sécu­rité publique (in French).

Read the release from the min­istère de la Sécu­rité publique emit­ted on March 1st, 2018 (In French).