
Recov­ery and social ties


With­out ade­quate inter­ven­tions by a net­work of pub­lic, com­mu­ni­ty, pri­vate and cit­i­zen actors, crises accen­tu­ate vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties and social inequal­i­ties. To sup­port equi­table and sus­tain­able recov­ery, the Cité-ID Liv­ing Lab uses the con­cepts of build back bet­ter, col­lec­tive learn­ing, and social cap­i­tal to improve recov­ery capac­i­ties before and after crises occur.

The prin­ci­ple of build­ing back bet­ter” in col­lec­tive recov­ery views the post-cri­sis peri­od as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to reduce pre-exist­ing vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties and pro­mote equi­ty and inclu­sion. To this end, Cité-ID sup­ports orga­ni­za­tions and inter-orga­ni­za­tion­al net­works through action research to draw out col­lec­tive learn­ing and insti­tu­tion­al­ize lessons learned, notably through debrief­ing exercises.

More­over, social ties in a soci­ety are strong­ly linked to col­lec­tive resilience capac­i­ties. Social ties, also known as social cap­i­tal, refer to indi­vid­ual behav­iors and atti­tudes towards social rela­tion­ships, from which they derive indi­vid­ual ben­e­fits and gen­er­ate col­lec­tive ben­e­fits. These social ties, devel­oped pri­or to crises, play a key role in com­mu­ni­ty recovery

