

Jan 21, 2019

Open­ing Con­fer­ence « Cli­mate of the Future» at the Win­ter School of the Insti­tut du Nou­veau Monde   Opening Conference « Climate of the Future» at the Winter School of the Institut du Nouveau Monde

Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien, direc­tor of Cite-ID Liv­ingLab and pro­fes­sor at ÉNAP, will take part in the Que­bec City to the open­ing con­fer­ence « Cli­mate of the Future» Feb­ru­ary 19, orga­nized by the Insti­tut du Nou­veau Monde for it Win­ter School. In the com­pa­ny of Dominic Cham­pagne, direc­tor and ini­tia­tor of the Tran­si­tion Pact, Jean-Nico­las Beuze, rep­re­sen­ta­tive of UNHCR Cana­da, the pan­elists will dis­cuss the issue of cli­mate change. For more infor­ma­tion, click Here ...

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