

Oct 15, 2019

Work­shop to cre­at­ing social ties in the Cen­tre-Sud neighborhood Workshop to creating social ties in the Centre-Sud neighborhood

Wednes­day, Novem­ber 6 at 7 pm will be held a work­shop to bet­ter under­stand the con­cept of social cap­i­tal or the cre­ation of social links through the exam­ple of an activ­i­ty that is reg­u­lar­ly held in the Cen­ter-Sud neigh­bor­hood : Soupe Locale Cen­tre-Sud. This activ­i­ty orga­nized in col­lab­o­ra­tion with UPop Mon­tréal et CDC Cen­tre-Sud. For this occa­sion, our research assis­tant, Mor­gan Che­li­hi and our co-direc­tor, Julie-Maude Nor­mandin will be present as speak­ers dur­ing the event. This work­shop will be held at the Éco­musée du Fier Monde locat­ed at 2050 Amherst Street​.To par­tic­i­pate : http://​www​.upop​mon​tre​al​.com/au…...

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