

Nov 18, 2021

Recov­er­ing col­lec­tive­ly: the case of Que­bec City Recovering collectively: the case of Quebec City

To bet­ter recov­er from a cri­sis, cities must deploy excep­tion­al mea­sures, adopt col­lec­tive approach­es, break down inter­nal silos and strength­en their coor­di­na­tion capac­i­ties. But how are these prac­tices imple­ment­ed and how can they be used to address oth­er col­lec­tive chal­lenges that com­mu­ni­ties face? To answer these ques­tions, the Cité-ID has devel­oped a research project in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the City of Que­bec. The analy­sis will focus on inter­nal and exter­nal recov­ery process­es and prac­tices adopt­ed in the after­math of the Que­bec City mosque attack and COVID-19. To con­sult the details of the research project, click here....

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Nov 16, 2021

The response of dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies to COVID-19 The response of digital technologies to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has accel­er­at­ed the dig­i­tal shift in pub­lic health infor­ma­tion sys­tems around the world. How­ev­er, at the start of the pan­dem­ic, Quebec’s pub­lic health infor­ma­tion sys­tems were not pre­pared to respond to a cri­sis like this one. Prob­lems relat­ed to the inte­gra­tion and inter­op­er­abil­i­ty of sys­tems were high­light­ed. The research car­ried out by Cité-ID, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with OBVIA, on the use of dig­i­tal tools by pub­lic health in Que­bec and by region­al offices has made it pos­si­ble to under­stand the com­plex­i­ty of the infor­ma­tion sys­tem of pub­lic health in Que­bec and iden­ti­fy the tech­no­log­i­cal and orga­ni­za­tion­al fac­tors that lim­it and facil­i­tate the resilience of the sys­tem. Due to the weak­ness­es of the pub­lic health infor­ma­tion sys­tem, sev­er­al net­work play­ers have mobi­lized their capac­i­ty for inno­va­tion and adap­ta­tion to bet­ter man­age the cri­sis by devel­op­ing new tools. The inte­gra­tion and con­sol­i­da­tion of these infor­ma­tion sys­tems pose major chal­lenges for the future. ...

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Nov 14, 2021

Social Links and Resilience to COVID-19 Social Links and Resilience to COVID-19

Sev­er­al stud­ies have shown that indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive resilience fol­low­ing a cri­sis depends to a large extent on the and the qual­i­ty of indi­vid­u­als’ social ties. While social bonds have been weak­ened and trans­formed by the pan­dem­ic, how is it pos­si­ble to pre­serve and strength­en? After an analy­sis of the effects of the pan­dem­ic on social ties in the six bor­oughs of Mon­tréal, researchers from Cité-ID pro­posed to be more con­cerned with the qual­i­ty of social ties in the process of col­lec­tive recov­ery in the face of COVID-19. It is rec­om­mend­ed to inter­vene to break the cycle of iso­la­tion cre­at­ed by the pan­dem­ic for peo­ple who already ben­e­fit from a restrict­ed social net­work. Sec­ond, a strat­e­gy should be devel­oped to avoid a decrease in social cohe­sion due to an increase in dis­trust of young adults and strangers dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Final­ly, the types of social links must be strength­ened in antic­i­pa­tion of crises, in par­tic­u­lar by strength­en­ing a strong and coor­di­nat­ed social infrastr...

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Nov 10, 2021

Call for sci­en­tif­ic con­tri­bu­tions on city gov­er­nance accord­ing to sus­tain­able devel­op­ment goals Call for scientific contributions on city governance according to sustainable development goals

You are work­ing on the top­ic of man­ag­ing and organ­is­ing smart and liv­able cities Smart and Liv­able Cities”? We invite you to sub­mit a sci­en­tif­ic paper for the next inter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence of the Euro­pean Group for Orga­ni­za­tion­al Stud­ies (EGOS) by 11 Jan­u­ary 2022. The Direc­tor of Cité-ID, Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien, co-orga­nizes a three-day sci­en­tif­ic pan­el on Smart and Liv­able Cities: Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals in Urban Gov­er­nance and Orga­ni­za­tion” with her col­leagues Karl-Heinz Pogn­er (Copen­hagen Busi­ness School) and Gian­lu­ca Mis­cione (Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Dublin). The sci­en­tif­ic con­fer­ence will take place from 7 to 9 July 2022 at the 38th EGOS Sym­po­sium at the Vien­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Eco­nom­ics and Buisness.For more details, click here....

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