

Dec 18, 2020

Becom­ing a Resilient City in the Time of COVID-19 Becoming a Resilient City in the Time of COVID-19

On Decem­ber 9, Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien was invit­ed to the radio show Je vote pour la sci­ence broad­cast on Radio VM (91.3 FM). Marie-Chris­tine spoke with host Isabelle Bur­gun about the response of Que­bec cities to COVID-19. Is it eas­i­er to adapt when the munic­i­pal­i­ty is less busy ? What is fun­da­men­tal for adap­ta­tion? How can the pub­lic be involved in the changes that need to be made? How do we build a resilient city? To lis­ten again to this seg­ment of the pro­gram https://​bit​.ly/​2​W​qEpo6 Pho­to: Con­fer­ence Resilient cities: new tools for local author­i­ties”, Brus­sels, 2014....

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Nov 26, 2020

Par­tic­i­pa­tion of Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien in a round table on AI and COVID-19 Participation of Marie-Christine Therrien in a round table on AI and COVID-19

On Octo­ber 30, Marie-Chris­­tine Ther­rien, direc­tor of the Cité-ID Liv­ingLab and a pro­fes­sor at ENAP, took part in a round table orga­nized by the Inter­na­tion­al Obser­va­to­ry on the Soci­etal Impacts of AI and Dig­i­tal Tech­nolo­gies (OBVIA) on con­tact trac­ing appli­ca­tions devel­oped in response to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. Par­tic­i­pants in the round­table ana­lyzed the polit­i­cal, social and orga­ni­za­tion­al chal­lenges of these appli­ca­tions based on expe­ri­ence dur­ing the first wave of COVID-19.Learn more about this event : https://​bit​.ly/​2​T​Dt5DJ ...

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Nov 26, 2020

Julie-Maude Nor­mandin receives an inter­na­tion­al prize for her doc­tor­al thesis Julie-Maude Normandin receives an international prize for her doctoral thesis

This week, the Chair in Cri­sis Man­age­ment Research at the Uni­ver­sité Tech­nologique de Troyes (UTT) and the École Nationale Supérieure des Officiers de Sapeurs-Pom­piers (France) award­ed its Inter­na­tion­al Prize to Julie-Maude Nor­mandin for her the­sis,​“La sécu­rité civile en trans­for­ma­tion : Analyse com­par­a­tive de la con­cep­tion et de la mise en œuvre de la résilience face aux désas­tres.” (Civ­il secu­ri­ty in trans­for­ma­tion: A com­par­a­tive analy­sis of the con­cep­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of dis­as­ter resilience). The the­sis aims to under­stand how the new con­cept of​“resilience,” now very pop­u­lar in the civ­il secu­ri­ty domain, has trans­for­med pub­lic poli­cies for dis­as­ter man­age­ment. Through an analy­sis of four case stud­ies, Nor­mandin finds that civ­il secu­ri­ty actors first used resilience as a strate­gic con­cept to con­sol­i­date and improve their prac­tices. Sub­se­quent­ly, the con­cept was employed to broad­en their capac­i­ties for action to new areas. The...

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Apr 8, 2020

A mod­el Recov­ery plan — Covid-19 pan­dem­ic” offered to Que­bec municipalities A model "Recovery plan - Covid-19 pandemic" offered to Quebec municipalities

Post-cri­sis recov­ery is often neglect­ed, which increas­es the con­se­quences of an event, delays the return to nor­mal and reduces learn­ing. To bet­ter recov­er from the pan­dem­ic, the ASCQ offers Que­bec munic­i­pal­i­ties a mod­el of COVID-19 recov­ery plan.This new recov­ery plan is based on the ini­tia­tive devel­oped by the ASCQ and the Cité-ID Liv­ingLab of ENAP-École nationale d’administration publique to improve the recov­ery prac­tices of munic­i­pal­i­ties since 2019. This tool demon­strates the inter­est of com­bin­ing prac­ti­cal and sci­en­tists knowl­edges to meet impor­tant chal­lenges. This is why the Ville de Québec, the ASCQ and the Cité-ID have worked togeth­er to get this new tool adapt­ed to the pandemic.Cité-ID researchers will also par­tic­i­pate in the April 16 webi­nar on the pre­sen­ta­tion of the plan and the issues to be man­aged for col­lec­tive recov­ery against the COVID-19.News release (Only in french) https://​www​.newswire​.ca/​f​r/new…...

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Mar 11, 2020

Social Cap­i­tal Research Syn­the­sis Report Unveiled Social Capital Research Synthesis Report Unveiled

The Cité-ID Liv­ing Lab and the Mai­son de l’innovation sociale (MIS) have devel­oped a research project to meet these objec­tives, in part­ner­ship with the City of Mon­tréal, which aims to assess the rel­e­vance of the con­cept of social cap­i­tal as a vec­tor of urban resilience in dif­fer­ent contexts.This project has three main objectives:1. to devel­op an appro­pri­ate tool for mea­sur­ing social capital;2. to under­stand the mech­a­nisms for cre­at­ing social cap­i­tal; and 3. to devel­op a tool for mea­sur­ing social capital;3. to observe the mech­a­nisms for insti­tu­tion­al­iz­ing the con­cept of social capital.The project was divid­ed into three com­po­nents, based on research sub-projects: Com­po­nent 1: Resilience and social cap­i­tal : prepa­ra­tion for cat­a­stroph­ic events,” in part­ner­ship with Tran­si­tion NDG;Component 2: Resilience and social cap­i­tal : youth”, with The YMCA of Québec’s C-Vert Program;Component 3: Soupe locale Cen­tre-Sud”, with the Cor­po­ra­tion de développe­ment com­mu­nau­taire Cen­tre-Sud. Co...

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Feb 23, 2020

Webi­nar pre­sent­ing a Mod­el Recov­ery Plan Webinar presenting a Model Recovery Plan

On Feb­ru­ary 11, 2020, our team pre­sent­ed a prac­ti­cal tool for under­tak­ing post-flood recov­ery in Québec. Work­ing in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Québec Civ­il Secu­ri­ty Asso­ci­a­tion and the Min­istry of Pub­lic Secu­ri­ty, Cité-ID pre­sent­ed a Mod­el Recov­ery Plan. The aim of the webi­nar was to famil­iar­ize par­tic­i­pants with the tools includ­ed in the Plan so that they might even­tu­al­ly adopt them and try them out in their ter­ri­to­ry. Each tool is sup­port­ed by a users’ man­u­al to facil­i­tate under­stand­ing. Final­ly, the tools, which were designed with and for prac­ti­tion­ers, aim to pro­mote the devel­op­ment of inno­v­a­tive gov­er­nance prac­tices that will, in time, pro­mote the resilience of munic​i​pal​i​ties​.To con­sult the Mod­el Recov­ery Plan (Only in French) To lis­ten to the Feb­ru­ary 11, 2020 webi­nar (Only in French)...

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Feb 18, 2020

Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien par­tic­i­pates in the annu­al meet­ing of the Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion for the Advance­ment of Science Marie-Christine Therrien participates in the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Pro­fes­sor and Direc­tor of the Cité-ID Liv­ing Lab, Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien par­tic­i­pat­ed in a sci­en­tif­ic pan­el enti­tle­dUr­ban Resilience and Emer­gency Response: The Cli­mate Change Per­spec­tive at last week’s annu­al meet­ing of the Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion for the Advance­ment of Sci­ence. The pan­el was orga­nized by the Office of the Chief Sci­ence Offi­cer of Québec and explored recent inno­va­tions to enable the evi­dence-based devel­op­ment of urban resilience. A sum­ma­ry of the pan­el is avail­able here.Marie-Christine Ther­rien then led a work­shop on the devel­op­ment of the Urban Sci­ence Advice Group with a group of 20 researchers and prac­ti­tion­ers. The estab­lish­ment of this group is being coor­di­nat­ed by the Fonds de recher­ché du Québec in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the ENAP’s Cité-ID Liv­ing Lab, at the request of the Inter­na­tion­al Net­work for Gov­ern­ment Sci­ence Advice (INGSA). The next INGSA con­fer­ence will take place in Mon­tréal next September....

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Dec 11, 2019

Review of the sec­ond phase of the post-dis­as­ter recov­ery sup­port process Review of the second phase of the post-disaster recovery support process

Dozens of par­tic­i­pants from Qué­bec’s civ­il secu­ri­ty com­mu­ni­ty gath­ered on Novem­ber 21 and 22, 2019, in Rimous­ki and Que­bec City, and on Decem­ber 2, 2019, in Repentigny, to par­tic­i­pate in pro­to­typ­ing work­shops. These work­shops were part of the sec­ond phase of an action-research project ini­ti­at­ed by the Civ­il Secu­ri­ty Asso­ci­a­tion of Québec (ASCQ) in part­ner­ship with the Min­is­ter of Pub­lic Security​(MPS). The objec­tive was to devel­op tools​“by or for” civ­il secu­ri­ty prac­ti­tion­ers to facil­i­tate the recov­ery phase fol­low­ing a dis­as­ter. Four pro­to­types were devel­oped in the three workshops:1. a train­ing mod­ule for elect­ed offi­cials, admin­is­tra­tive staff and key part­ners;2. a mod­el recov­ery plan;3. human resources man­age­ment for recov­ery;4. plan to estab­lish a com­mu­ni­ty for the trans­fer of good prac­tices led by the ASCQ to facil­i­tate the cre­ation, pro­mo­tion and shar­ing of tools​.To view the tem­plate used during...

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Nov 25, 2019

Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien and research col­lab­o­ra­tors at Cité-ID co-authored a report, launched by the may­or of Lon­don, on strate­gic coor­di­na­tion for the Euro­pean Counter-Ter­ror­ism Pre­pared­ness Network Marie-Christine Therrien and research collaborators at Cité-ID co-authored a report, launched by the mayor of London, on strategic coordination for the European Counter-Terrorism Preparedness Network

Last week, the Counter-Ter­ror­ism Pre­pared­ness Net­work (CTPN) pub­lished four strate­gic reports aim­ing to share the knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence acquired by major Euro­pean cities around pro­tec­tion and pre­pared­ness against ter­ror­ism. The report was launched by the may­or of Lon­don, Sadiq Khan, in the com­pa­ny of net­work part­ners. Pro­fes­sor Marie-Chris­tine Ther­rien and two Cité-ID researchers, Joris Arnaud and Julie-Maude Nor­mandin, con­tributed to the report on strate­gic coor­di­na­tion in the event of a ter­ror­ist attack. The report presents sci­en­tif­ic knowl­edge along with the strate­gic coor­di­na­tion ini­tia­tives of six Euro­pean cities, and offers a num­ber of rec­om­men­da­tions. The report was writ­ten in col­lab­o­ra­tion with four prac­ti­tion­ers spe­cial­ized in resilience and cri­sis man­age­ment: Stockholm’s chief resilience coor­di­na­tor, the chief of pol­i­cy in Stock­holm, as well as a man­ag­er and an employ­ee from the Lon­don Resilience Group. The Counter-Ter­ror­ism Pre­pared­ness Net­work was cre­at­ed by the City o...

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Nov 18, 2019

Liv­ing Lab Approach to Trans­form­ing Urban Resilience Gov­er­nance: Learn­ings from a Liv­ing Lab Living Lab Approach to Transforming Urban Resilience Governance: Learnings from a Living Lab

The Regard Lab­o­ra­to­ry, ded­i­cat­ed to research on local inter­sec­toral net­works, orga­nized a sem­i­nar on Wednes­day, Novem­ber 6, 2019, at Uni­ver­sité de Mon­tréal to explain the pur­pose of the Liv­ing Lab approach to trans­form urban resilience gov­er­nance. This sem­i­nar was pre­sent­ed by Julie-Maude Nor­mandin, Research and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion codi­rec­tor of Cité-ID Liv­ingLab. The aim of this pre­sen­ta­tion was to demys­ti­fy the liv­ing lab approach which tends to spread in more and more areas. Julie-Maude also had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explain the added val­ue of this approach as well as the sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences between this approach and oth­er co-con­struc­tion approach­es. To learn more (Only in French)...

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